Coordinator Emails

Please note that this archive is not comprehensive. These archives do not include messages that were sent to individual local educational agencies (LEAs) and reminder emails sent from the Test Operations Management System (TOMS). Information in the archived emails is accurate as of the date the email is sent and may not be the most current.

Coordinator Emails

Date Sent Subject Program
07/01/24 ELPAC: July Monthly Update
07/01/24 CAASPP: July Monthly Update
06/26/24 2024 California Assessment Conference: Register Today
06/14/24 CAASPP and ELPAC: 2024–25 System Release Dates
06/14/24 STAIRS: Reminder for CAASPP and ELPAC
06/14/24 Initial ELPAC THSS and DEI Scoring Deadline Reminder
06/13/24 CAASPP and ELPAC: Complete Interim Assessment Hand Scoring
06/04/24 Register Now! 2024 Interim and Formative Assessment Training Series Summer Sessions
06/03/24 CAASPP and ELPAC: 2024–25 Planned Systems Downtimes
05/29/24 ELPAC End-of-Year Processing in CALPADS
05/23/24 CAASPP and ELPAC: Feedback for Continuous Improvement
05/23/24 Reminder: WWW.CAASPP-ELPAC.ORG Launch and Retiring of the CAASPP and ELPAC Websites
05/21/24 Summative ELPAC: K–12 Reports and Results Available
05/20/24 Preparing to Transition to the 2024–25 Test Administration Year
05/17/24 Smarter Balanced and CAST Results Available Beginning May 20
05/09/24 Eligible Students Remaining in TOMS Status Reports
05/09/24 2024–25 TOMS User Role Transition and Interim Assessments Updates
05/08/24 ELPAC: 2024–25 Initial Alternate ELPAC AST Moodle Opens Today
05/07/24 New and Improved Website: WWW.CAASPP-ELPAC.ORG
05/02/24 Register Now! 2024–25 Introduction to the CERS Online Trainings
05/01/24 CAASPP Communication: May 2024
05/01/24 ELPAC Communication: May 2024
04/30/24 ELPAC: Initial ELPAC AST Overview and Q&A
04/26/24 CAASPP and ELPAC Assessment Result Updates
04/26/24 Computer-based Initial ELPAC: LEAs Participating in RSVP
04/25/24 CAASPP and ELPAC: Scoring and Reporting Webinar
04/22/24 ELPAC: 2024–25 Initial ELPAC AST Moodle is Now Open
04/18/24 CAASPP: Register for the 2023–24 Using Assessment Data Training Series!
04/17/24 2024 California Assessment Conference: Registration Is Opening Soon
04/17/24 ELPAC: 2024–25 Initial Alternate ELPAC AST Information
04/16/24 ELPAC: 2023–24 Summative ELPAC Grades Three Through Twelve Score Release Dates
04/15/24 CAASPP and ELPAC: Systems Resume
04/15/24 Administration of the Computer-Based Initial ELPAC for 2024–25
04/09/24 CERS April Update for LEA Coordinators
04/05/24 CAASPP and ELPAC: System Downtime Reminder
04/01/24 ELPAC Communication: April 2024
04/01/24 CAASPP Communication: April 2024
03/18/24 CAASPP: The CSA Needs Your LEA
03/18/24 CAASPP: The CSA Needs Your LEA Again for 2023–24
03/11/24 CAASPP: Best Practices for Recording CSA Speaking Responses
03/01/24 ELPAC Communication: March 2024
03/01/24 CAASPP Communication: March 2024
02/26/24 CAASPP and ELPAC: Change to Test Security Audits Starting in 2023–24
02/20/24 CAASPP and ELPAC Office Hours—March 5, 2024
02/01/24 ELPAC Communication: February 2024
02/01/24 CAASPP Communication: February 2024
02/01/24 CAASPP and ELPAC: Designate LEA CAASPP Coordinators and LEA ELPAC Coordinators for the 2024–25
01/30/24 CERS January Update for LEA Coordinators
01/25/24 ELPAC: 2023–24 Summative ELPAC Administration and Scoring Training, Certification Follow Up
01/12/24 CAASPP: Test Administrator Tutorial Available Now!
01/12/24 Spanish Voice Pack Issue with Newer Chromebooks
01/09/24 CAASPP and ELPAC: Systems Resume—January 9, 2024
01/08/24 CAASPP and ELPAC Office Hours
01/02/24 CAASPP Communication: January 2024
01/02/24 ELPAC Communication: January 2024
01/02/24 CAASPP and ELPAC: System Downtime Reminder for January 2024
12/19/23 ELPAC: 2024–25 Initial ELPAC