Ordering Test Materials

Find information about ordering and returning assessment materials.

Initial ELPAC Test Materials

LEAs order Writing domain testing materials for kindergarten through grade two through the Test Operations Management System (TOMS). For instructions, refer to the Place Primary Orders page of the TOMS User Guide.

Orders for Initial ELPAC test materials can be placed during the following order windows:

Type of Test Materials Order Order Window Opens Order Window Closes Earliest Delivery Date Latest Delivery Date
Primary Test Materials Order April 15, 2024 May 10, 2024 Week of May 13, 2024 Week of May 27, 2024
Supplemental Test Materials Order May 13, 2024 June 6, 2025 June 3, 2024 June 20, 2025

NOTE: All LEAs must order new materials for the 2024–25 administration. No materials from previous administration years can be used and must be returned or securely destroyed.

Initial ELPAC Supplemental Orders

Supplemental orders can be placed once a month throughout the testing window and will be delivered 10 to 14 business days from the date on which the order is placed.

Initial ELPAC Excess Materials Orders

There will be no charge for Initial ELPAC excessive material orders for the 2024–25 administration. However, LEAs should not order more materials than can be used since these materials cannot be reused the following year.

Initial ELPAC Pre-Identification Labels

Pre-identification (Pre-ID) labels are available only for the 10 percent of LEAs participating in the RSVP, as determined by the CDE. Participating LEAs do not need to request or order these Pre-ID labels. Instead, those LEAs identified in the sampling plan will receive labels automatically for returning scorable materials for students in kindergarten through grade two once SSRs are available in TOMS.

LEAs that are not participating in RSVP do not order or receive Pre-ID labels.

Returning Initial ELPAC Test Materials

At the end of the 2024–25 testing window, LEAs will need to either securely destroy locally or send to ETS for secure destruction all Form 1 and Form 2 K–2 Writing Answer Books. LEAs will need to order new Writing Answer Books for the 2025–26 administration in April 2025. LEAs should refer to the Instructions For Test Materials Handling After Testing document for additional guidance.

Summative ELPAC Test Materials

LEAs order Writing domain testing materials for kindergarten through grade two through TOMS. For instructions refer to the Place Primary Orders section of the TOMS User Guide.

Orders can be placed during the following ordering windows:

Type of Test Material Order Ordering Window Opens Ordering Window Closes Estimated Material Arrival Date
Primary Test Material Order November 1, 2023 December 18, 2023

Orders placed by November 30, 2023, will arrive the week of December 11, 2023.

Orders placed by December 18, 2023, will arrive the week of January 1, 2024.

Supplemental Test Material Order January 12, 2024 May 10, 2024 10–14 business days after order has been placed.

Summative ELPAC Supplemental Orders

Supplemental orders can be placed once a month throughout the testing window and will be delivered 10 to 14 business days from the date on which the order is placed.

Summative ELPAC Excess Materials Orders

At the end of each testing year, ETS invoices LEAs for excess materials ordered during the Primary Test Material Order window and for any supplemental orders.

The excess materials are calculated by determining the difference between the sum of the number of Answer Books scored and 90 percent of the tests ordered by the LEA. An LEA is responsible for using, and returning for scoring, 90 percent of the Answer Books ordered, excluding the overage included in the shipment. Excess Answer Books (K–2) will cost the LEA $2.50.

Summative ELPAC Pre-Identification Labels

Pre-identification (Pre-ID) is the process of electronically identifying students through a barcoded label rather than filling in student demographic information on the Answer Book. Pre-ID labels are provided for students in K–2 for their Summative ELPAC Writing domain Answer Books at no cost. LEAs do not need to request or order these Pre-ID labels; they will be sent to the LEAs to return paper-scorable materials.

There will be two production dates for Pre-ID labels:

  • January 12, 2024
  • March 8, 2024 (for new students not included in the first Pre-ID order only).

LEAs can expect to receive the Pre-ID labels created on January 12, 2024, starting February 2, 2024; and those created on March 8, 2024, starting March 29, 2024.

For students enrolled after March 8, 2024, the test examiner will need to mark the student demographic information by hand, as shown in the Directions for Administration.

Returning Summative ELPAC Test Materials

ELPAC Answer Books for kindergarten through grade two must be received by ETS for scoring. It is not necessary to complete all student testing prior to returning test materials for scoring. White cartons for returning the ELPAC Answer Books for kindergarten through grade two are included in the primary and supplemental orders. Note that approximately 150 answer books fit into one white carton.

LEA ELPAC coordinators are encouraged to return completed Summative ELPAC K–2 Writing Answer Books at least twice a month. LEAs should download and complete the ELPAC School Group List when returning answer books to serve as a reference for the LEA as to what is being returned in each shipment. Answer Books must be scheduled for pick up by June 14, 2024, to be scored by ETS.

To request additional cartons or Group Information Sheets (GISs), complete the Carton and GIS Request Form.

For additional information about returning test materials, refer to the Summative ELPAC Packing and Return Instructions included in the LEA and Site Coordinator kits that were shipped with the original order. The LEA’s assigned Success Agent can also provide these instructions.

Alternate ELPAC Picture Cards

Picture cards are secure alternate response options identified by a student’s IEP team. They are not used by all students. The Initial Alternate ELPAC and Summative Alternate ELPAC use different picture cards. LEA ELPAC coordinators should work with special education staff to determine how many grade-level or grade-span sets are needed at each site. Note that picture cards may be used by more than one student.

Picture cards for the 2024–25 Initial Alternate ELPAC are the same as those used for the 2022–23 and 2023–24 Initial Alternate ELPAC administrations. Picture cards can be for downloaded as a PDF for LEAs to print from the Secure Materials screen, which is accessed through the [Resources] tab in in TOMS or printed picture cards may be ordered on the AST website starting May 8, 2024. Ordered picture cards are printed and shipped at no cost to LEAs. Please allow up to 10 business days for shipping.

Assessment Picture Cards Ordering Window
Initial Alternate ELPAC May 8, 2024, through April 15, 2025
2023–24 Summative Alternate ELPAC November 1, 2023, through May 1, 2024
2024–25 Summative Alternate ELPAC November 1, 2024, through May 1, 2025

CAASPP and ELPAC Special Request for Paper Exams

Please visit the CAASPP and ELPAC Special Request for Paper Exams web form to request CAASPP and ELPAC braille, large-print, or paper–pencil tests for students with an IEP or Section 504 plan.