CAASPP Communication: August 2024
Email Update, August 1, 2024
This communication includes information and updates about the CAASPP.
Urgent Reminders
Complete 2023–24 Interim Assessment Hand Scoring
The 2023–24 interim assessments for English language arts/literacy (ELA) and mathematics, the California Science Test (CAST), and the ELPAC will remain available until tomorrow, August 2, 2024. During the system downtime, student responses for the interim assessments will be cleared from the Teacher Hand Scoring System (THSS) and will no longer be available for hand scoring.
To ensure that student results from all completed 2023–24 interim assessments appear in the California Educator Reporting System (CERS), all outstanding hand scoring must be completed in the THSS prior to the system downtime on August 2, 2024, at 5 p.m. For more information regarding the 2024–25 interim assessment rollover, refer to the CAASPP and ELPAC: Complete Interim Assessment Hand Scoring email that was sent to LEA coordinators in early June.
Upcoming Trainings
To register or locate additional details about upcoming, including dates, times, or content, visit the Upcoming and On-Demand Trainings web page. All trainings are virtual unless otherwise noted.
Assessment and Accountability Information Meeting
Register for the 2024–25 Assessment and Accountability Information Meeting. These virtual sessions will provide coordinators with the latest information and updates on California's assessment and accountability systems.
The sessions will be held weekly on three afternoons in August, from 2 to 4 p.m. The dates and topics are as follows:
- August 1: Cross Program Updates for CAASPP and ELPAC, Interim and Formative Assessments, Physical Fitness Test, High School Equivalency and California Proficiency Programs, and National and International Assessments
- August 8: ELA and Mathematics Assessments, Science Assessments, ELPAC, and California Spanish Assessment
- August 15: California School Dashboard and Accountability
August 13: Coffee Session, 2–3 p.m.
These virtual monthly Coffee Sessions, hosted by the California Department of Education (CDE) and ETS, offer opportunities for LEA staff to ask questions and get answers about assessments, trainings, resources, and more. If you are not already registered, you can register on the Coffee Session Series registration web page. By registering once, you will be eligible to attend all upcoming sessions.
August 13: Introduction to CERS for Teachers, 1–3 p.m.
Register now for the August 2024 Introduction to CERS for Teachers webinar. This two-hour online training is designed for LEA staff who have or will have access to assessment results in CERS. This webinar will cover an overview of CERS features, including accessing summative results, making customized student groups, and other key features and resources.
August 22: New Coordinator Training Webinar #4, Systems and TOMS, 3–4 p.m.
This webinar will provide information about assessment systems and the Test Operations Management System (TOMS) and will end with a question and answer session with experienced coordinators. Register for one or more sessions in this series at 2024–25 New Coordinator Training Webinar Series.
August 26–September 11: Interim and Formative Assessment Training Series
The CDE invites you to attend the 2024 Interim and Formative Assessment Training Series. The 2024 Interim and Formative Assessment Training Series will consist of three distinct, independent modules with multiple opportunities to attend. Modules 1 and 2 apply to all interim assessments, while Module 3 includes separate hand scoring sessions tailored to each program's interim assessments.
Educator Meeting Opportunities
We need your input! California educators are an essential part of the assessment development process. Teachers who work closely with students provide an important perspective that informs and improves CAASPP and the ELPAC. Meetings are held remotely, and this is an excellent opportunity for participating educators to provide vital input in test composition, accessibility, and implementation.
Opportunities for the 2024–25 test administration year are now available. Details for upcoming meetings can be found on the Get Involved web page on the CAASPP & ELPAC Website.
To apply for educator meetings, go to the Educator Opportunities Portal. Those without an Educator Opportunities Portal account can create an account via the Educator Opportunities Portal Account Creation Form. For any questions, please contact the Educator Opportunities Team by phone at 916-228-2682 or by email at
Available Now!
On-Demand Trainings
The following live trainings were recently posted and are now available on the Upcoming and On-Demand Trainings web page:
- On-Demand Learning Modules
- July Coffee Session
- Data Leadership Training Series
Ongoing Reminders
2024 California Assessment Conference Registration is Open!
Register now for the 2024 California Assessment Conference (CAC)! This year's conference will focus on Empowering Educators: Leveraging Assessment Data and Tools for Classroom Success.
Register now to join us in person on October 15–17, 2024, in Riverside, CA. This is a unique chance for educators to connect with peers to explore assessment tools and strategies for improved learning and teaching. For more information, visit the CAC website.
Register for 2024–25 Coffee Sessions
Register for the 2024–25 Coffee Session Series. Virtual monthly Coffee Sessions, hosted by the CDE and ETS, offer opportunities for LEA staff to ask questions and get answers about assessments, trainings, resources, and more. Once registered, you will be eligible to attend all upcoming sessions.
Summative Assessment Scoring Job Opportunities
ETS applications for scorers. This is an excellent opportunity for educators to become more familiar with the California assessments. Scoring schedules are flexible and can include four-, six-, and eight-hour weekday or weekend shifts. California educators interested in applying can find more information on the ETS Online Scoring web page. Questions about the application or hiring process should be directed to Current scorers can reach out to for any scoring-related questions.
Previous CAASPP Monthly Communications
Previous CAASPP monthly communications, as well as other email communications, are located on the Coordinator Emails web page.
Additional Help
- Direct questions about policies, regulations, and requirements to
- Contact your Success Agent for answers to questions about assessment coordination, development, and administration, as well as for technical support.
- Direct questions about Moodle, certification, and calibration to
- Get Answers from a user-friendly lookup tool available to help LEA coordinators quickly find answers to the most common testing questions. Users can also suggest Additional Questions for the FAQ, which will be reviewed on a regular basis.
- For further support, visit the Contact Us web page.