ELPAC: Resources Available Now!
Email Update, January 8, 2025
Dear LEA ELPAC Coordinator:
The 2024–25 Summative ELPAC and Summative Alternate ELPAC test administration window opens on February 3, 2025. This email contains resources needed to prepare for the upcoming test administration.
Online Test Administration Manuals
To prepare LEA ELPAC coordinators, site ELPAC coordinators, and ELPAC test examiners, the ELPAC Online Test Administration Manual and Alternate ELPAC Online Test Administration Manual were updated. These manuals contain information and instructions about test preparation and test administration.
Accessing Secure Materials
View Electronically or Print DFAs
Directions for Administration (DFAs) can be accessed electronically in the Test Operations Management System (TOMS) or can be printed and securely stored just prior to testing.
Picture Cards for the Summative Alternate ELPAC
Picture cards are available for download as a PDF in TOMS for LEAs to print. A hard copy of the Picture Cards document can also be mailed at no cost to LEAs. Not all students will require the use of picture cards. The use of picture cards is determined by the student's individualized education program team. Picture cards can be reused to administer to individual students during the testing window, if stored securely while not in use. LEA coordinators should work with special education staff to determine how many grade levels or grade spans are represented at each site. Printed picture cards can be requested on the Administration and Scoring Training website.
Resources and Guides
The DFAs mainly include information for the day of testing and domain-specific instructions. The planning and preparation content is in a separate Preparing for Administration (PFA) document. The PFA documents are available at the following links and should be reviewed prior to administering the ELPAC.
- Summative ELPAC Preparing for Administration—Kindergarten–Grade 2
- Summative ELPAC Preparing for Administration—Grades 3–12
- Summative Alternate ELPAC Preparing for Administration
How to Start an ELPAC Test Session and How to Start an Alternate ELPAC Test Session contain detailed instructions about logging on to TOMS and starting a test session.
Additionally, a variety of quick reference guides are available to assist LEAs in preparing for test administration. These can be found on the Administer a Test Session web page on the CAASPP & ELPAC Website.
Form Assignments and Second Scoring Assignments
Use the lookup tool on the Summative ELPAC Form Assignments web page and Summative Alternate ELPAC Form Assignments web page to search for an LEA; the search returns the form number to which the LEA has been assigned. Visit the Summative Alternate ELPAC Second Scoring web page to find out whether your school has been selected to participate in second scoring for the 2024–25 school year.
Estimated Testing Times
Students are allowed as much time as needed to complete the assessment. The Summative ELPAC: Estimated Testing Times web page provides estimated testing times for each form, by domain and grade level or grade span. The Alternate ELPAC: Estimated Testing Times web page provides estimated testing times for each form, by task type.
2024–25 Summative ELPAC Test Examiner Training and Calibration
All test examiners who are administering the Summative ELPAC Speaking domain are required to complete the Summative ELPAC Test Examiner Training and Calibration courses for the grade levels or grade spans they are administering. LEAs should ensure test examiners have completed the calibration prior to administering and scoring the Speaking domain. The courses are available on the Moodle Training Site.
Test examiners and students can use the practice and training tests to become familiar and comfortable with the assessment prior to test day. Watch the Using the Online Practice and Training Tests video and review the How to Start a Practice Test and How to Start a Training Test quick reference guides for additional information.
For further support, visit the Contact Us web page.