California Science Test
The California Science Test (CAST) is part of CAASPP. Find more detailed information about test administration in the CAASPP Online Test Administration Manual.
How the CAST Works
Who takes the test?
Students in grades five and eight and once in high school (either grade ten, eleven, or twelve) take the CAST. For more information about high school science test administration, refer to the Science Test Administration for High School Students.
What is the test format?
The CAST is computer-based and includes performance tasks. Find more information in the Organization of the CAST flyer.
When is the testing window?
For information on the testing window and assessment timeline, refer to the Assessment System Chart and the California Assessment Timeline.
Which standards are tested?
The CAST tests the California Next Generation Science Standards.
What is the estimated testing time?
The CAST is estimated to take approximately two hours; however, the test is untimed.