Announcing the New Coordinator How-To Hub
Email Update, July 26, 2024
Dear LEA CAASPP Coordinator or LEA ELPAC Coordinator:
Exciting news! The CDE is thrilled to announce the launch of the brand-new Coordinator How-To Hub, designed especially for coordinators looking to gain insights into how tasks are executed.
The Coordinator How-To Hub is a web page on the CAASPP & ELPAC website—no password or enrollment key is needed! The How-to-Hub is a one-stop shop of essential "how-to" resources for all LEA assessment coordinators—new or experienced. It is organized by timeframe and then by topic, allowing coordinators to search for information on specific tasks depending on what part of the year they are looking at.
The How-to-Hub also includes short video vignettes from experienced coordinators describing how they manage the many aspects of each assessment. Every topic features videos by two coordinators from small LEAs, two from medium LEAs, two from Large LEAs, two from Charter schools, and one from a county office of education (COE). These experienced coordinators talk about what they think through, who they communicate with, and how they plan for coordinator tasks, such as setting test windows, ordering test materials, loading accessibility resources, and more!
We look forward to continuing to find innovative ways to support our valued assessment coordinators.
Direct any questions about the Coordinator How-to Hub to Other questions can be directed to the LEA's assigned LEA Success Agent. Visit the California Outreach web page for other support options.