Data Entry Tips for the Initial ELPAC and Initial Alternate ELPAC
Email Update, August 21, 2024
Dear LEA ELPAC Coordinator:
As we begin the 2024–25 test administration, ETS has some tips to help keep student data files as clean as possible. (Note that this email is being sent to all LEAs and does not indicate that your LEA currently has any errors.)
ETS has noticed two issues occurring with data for currently enrolled or preenrolled students as we begin administration of the Initial ELPAC and Initial Alternate ELPAC.
Students enrolled in kindergarten and then moved to transitional kindergarten (TK).
Moving these students to TK in CALPADS will not resolve issues in TOMS. For now, these students will remain active in TOMS until enrollment files are cleaned. CDE is working on a communication that will provide some scenarios and resolutions to mitigate this issue.
- Before enrolling a student in kindergarten, please confirm the student's grade level.
- Some LEAs may enter a student at this grade level who does not meet the age requirement per California Education Code Section 48000[a], which requires the student to be five years old on or before September 1, 2019. Please confirm that any student who does not meet the age requirement is supposed to be in kindergarten.
- If a student has been enrolled in kindergarten and takes the Initial ELPAC or Initial Alternate ELPAC and is moved to TK in CALPADS, a Security Test and Incident Reporting System (STAIRS) case must be entered for each tested domain to enable updating of the student's data in TOMS. If the domains are not reset in TOMS, the student will not be removed when the cleanup is done.
Students have enrollment dates outside of the LEA's instructional school year.
While this does not prevent a student from taking the Initial ELPAC or Initial Alternate ELPAC, it does affect the count for completing student testing within the first 30 days of enrollment.
- If an LEA is trying to test students before the first day of school, students' enrollment dates should be entered as the first day of attendance. The student English language acquisition status (ELAS) should be TBD with an effective date equal to the date of entry, and the student primary language should be something other than English or American Sign Language.
- Correct enrollment dates (first day of the instructional school year) will start the 30-day calendar count from that date versus when a student was uploaded into CALPADS.
ETS and CALPADS continue to work together to find any discrepancies that might affect student testing ability or demographic information. We will work to ensure data is as clean as possible to assist LEAs throughout the 2024–25 test administration.
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