Notification Letter Templates

Testing notification letter templates are available to notify parents/guardians about the various testing options that local educational agencies (LEAs) may employ to complete testing. An LEA may use whatever method fits its needs to notify parents/guardians about the test administration. These letters can be customized and used as a printed document or provided to parents/guardians electronically.

To access information, letter templates, and other resources for students identified as English learners or initially fluent English proficient, visit the CDE Identification & Parent Notification Requirements web page.

The following Statewide Testing Notification template contains language that can be inserted into a parent/guardian handbook or other annual parent/guardian notification document to serve the purpose of meeting state and federal obligations to inform parents/guardians of the year's statewide assessments pursuant to 5 California Code of Regulations § 852, inclusive of the right to exempt pursuant to California Education Code Section 60615: