Practice and Training Test Resources

These resources support the practice and training tests for the CAASPP and ELPAC. Do not use any of these scoring guides, PFAs, DFAs, or performance task rubrics when administering the summative assessments.

To administer or find other information about practice or training tests, visit the Practice and Training Tests web page.

CAAs for ELA and Mathematics: Training Test DFA
CAA for Science Training Test DFA CAA for Science Training Test PFA

Scoring guides for the CSA practice tests will be available in November 2024.

The following are key differences to consider when using these practice test and training test resources to prepare for the Initial ELPAC and Summative ELPAC:

  • The online ELPAC practice tests can be used to prepare for either the Initial ELPAC or the Summative ELPAC. The online ELPAC practice tests are based on the full-length Summative ELPAC. However, these practice tests can also be used to prepare students for the Initial ELPAC since the task types used in the Initial ELPAC are a subset of the task types appearing in the Summative ELPAC.
  • The following task types appear on the Summative ELPAC and do not appear in the Initial ELPAC:
    • Speaking: Present and Discuss Information
    • Reading: Read a Student Essay
    • Writing: Write About Academic Information
  • The Initial ELPAC is combined for grades nine through twelve. Students may use the ELPAC practice test for grade span nine and ten or grade span eleven and twelve to prepare for the Initial ELPAC.

The following are key differences from the operational assessments to consider when using these practice test and training test resources to prepare for the Initial Alternate ELPAC and Summative Alternate ELPAC:

  • The online Alternate ELPAC practice tests can be used to prepare for either the Initial Alternate ELPAC or the Summative Alternate ELPAC. The online Alternate ELPAC practice tests are based on the full-length Initial Alternate ELPAC and Summative Alternate ELPAC.
  • The Initial Alternate ELPAC is combined for grades nine through twelve. Students may use the Alternate ELPAC practice test for grade span nine and ten or grade span eleven and twelve to prepare for the Initial Alternate ELPAC.

Practice Test Picture Cards

For the Alternate ELPAC, test examiners have the ability to use picture cards during the student's test administration. Picture cards are a resource used for students who communicate using picture cards or an Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) device. These picture cards should not be substituted during operational test administration. Print or upload the picture cards to the student's AAC device as appropriate. All of the practice test picture cards for each grade level or grade span can be accessed via the following link:

Answer Choice Cards

Test examiners have the option to use answer choice cards that are available as a stand-alone PDF. Some students communicate using picture cards or answer choice cards. If test examiners do not have standardized answer choice cards for use in the classroom, they may use the answer choice cards accessed via the following link: