On-Demand Learning Module: Hand Scoring Mathematics Performance Tasks
This on-demand learning module provides educators with the opportunity to learn—at their own pace and at a time that is convenient for them—about the hand scoring process for the Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments for mathematics performance tasks.
The Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments can offer teachers valuable insight into student learning as it relates to the Common Core State Standards for mathematics. Hand scoring is an important part of preparing to use the interim assessments because hand scoring is a local responsibility.
Hand scoring provides an excellent opportunity to
- understand the expectations of the standards;
- learn from student work;
- consider the implications for teaching and learning; and
- identify meaningful, authentic ways to support students in developing essential skills.
Expect to spend approximately 2 hours engaging in this learning module.
This learning module consists of the following steps, which should be engaged with sequentially:
- Getting Started: Download the Training Materials (10 minutes)
- Step One: Learn About Performance Tasks (40 minutes)
- Step Two: Learn How to Use the Rubric for Mathematics Performance Tasks (15 minutes)
- Step Three: Review the Anchor Set (15 minutes)
- Step Four: Score the Check Set (25 minutes)
- Step Five: Consider the Instructional Implications (10 minutes)
- Step Six: Complete Survey (Optional) (5 minutes)
Learning Goals
As a result of engaging in this learning module, participants will understand
- the skills and strategies required on the Smarter Balanced mathematics performance tasks;
- how to use the Smarter Balanced scoring tools and resources to score student work; and
- the value of analyzing student responses to mathematics performance tasks.
Success Criteria
Upon completing this learning module, participants should be able to
- identify learning experiences that can support students in mastering the grade-level mathematics standards reflected in performance tasks;
- score student work using the Smarter Balanced resources; and
- apply the training from this session to teaching and learning practices to improve student learning outcomes.
Expect to spend approximately 10 minutes on this step.
Participants can select the grade level of their choice for this learning module. If collaborating with a colleague or team, all team members should choose the same grade-level mathematics performance task.
The Smarter Balanced training guides and exemplars are used for this learning module to support the scoring of the items that require hand scoring. The table that follows lists the contents of the Smarter Balanced training guides and exemplars (table 1).
Training Guide | Exemplars |
The training guide contains directions, sources, the student assignment or prompt, and a rubric.
The exemplars are examples of student work that demonstrate a certain score level’s attributes and serve as a standard against which other student performances can be judged. Exemplars contain the following:
- An anchor set, which includes scored samples of student responses to a constructed-response item, with scoring comments to explain the reasoning for the assigned score
- A check set, which provides unscored sample student responses
- An answer key, which provides assigned scores for items in the check set (These help educators to better understand the task, the rubric, and how to calibrate scoring before scoring their own students’ work.)
Before you begin the learning module, download the training guide and exemplars for your chosen grade-level performance task. Take these steps to download the materials:
- Log on to your Test Operations Management System (TOMS) account.
- Select the [Resources] tab once signed in to TOMS.
Select SB Interim Assessment Secure Materials—Hand Scoring Training Guides from the Available Materials drop-down list to view the Interim Assessment Hand Scoring Training Guides and exemplars (figure 1).
Figure 1. Secure Materials web page
Navigate to the section labeled “Math” and select the appropriate button to view the training materials for the desired grade level (figure 2).
Figure 2. Math section on the Secure Materials web page
- Locate the section labeled “Interim Comprehensive Assessments (ICAs),” and download the training guide and the exemplars for your chosen performance task.
- Be sure to select a constructed-response item that includes a rubric. To verify you have selected an appropriate item to hand score, download the appropriate training guide to view the included rubric. Then, download the associated exemplars.
Once you have downloaded the training guide and exemplars for your chosen grade level, you are ready to begin the learning module.
Expect to spend approximately 40 minutes on this step.
Performance tasks are composed of a set of questions centered on a common topic that measures capacities, such as depth of understanding and complex analysis. Smarter Balanced includes performance tasks in mathematics for both the interim and summative assessments. To learn more about the Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments, watch this video.
Video: Overview of the Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments
When you have finished watching the video, reflect on your own or discuss with colleagues the following questions:
- What types of assessment do you currently use?
- Do your assessments include the Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments? If so, which ones, and how do you use them?
- Which assessments are most useful in helping you understand student learning of the standards?
Experience a Performance Task
This learning module includes completing a performance task from the perspective of a student in your chosen grade level. Locate the mathematics training guide you downloaded and navigate to the performance task.
Independent work time:
Complete all parts of the performance task from the perspective of a student.
Suggested time: 20 minutes
Reflection and Discussion Questions
When you have completed a performance task, reflect on your own or discuss with colleagues the following questions:
- What do you notice?
- What do you wonder?
- How can you prepare students for this type of task?
Expect to spend approximately 15 minutes on this step.
The training guides support educators in scoring constructed-response items in the mathematics performance task. In the training guide you previously downloaded, locate the item-specific rubric that corresponds with the performance task you selected.
Notice how the rubric is organized and how it describes possible correct responses by item. Then, watch the Scoring Rubrics for Mathematics Performance Tasks video to learn how to use the rubric for scoring.
Video: Scoring Rubrics for Mathematics Performance Tasks
Expect to spend approximately 15 minutes on this step.
The exemplars are examples of student work that demonstrate a certain score level’s attributes and serve as a standard against which other student performances can be judged. Locate the anchor set materials in the exemplars you previously downloaded for your grade-level performance task. Each anchor set is noted with a “A,” followed by the number in the set, at the end of the student sample.
Review the sample student responses and scoring comments in the anchor set. At the top of each response, you will find a table that includes the grade level and stimulus title, the Smarter Balanced assessment claim, targets, Common Core State Standards, and the assigned score points.
Independent work time:
Read the student responses and review the scoring comments.
Suggested time: 10 minutes
Reflection and Discussion Questions
Now that you have reviewed scored student samples, reflect on your own or discuss with colleagues the following questions:
- What is your reaction to these scored student samples?
- How do these samples inform your understanding of the rubric language?
- What teaching and learning strategies can be used to help students develop the knowledge and skills needed to meaningfully engage with performance tasks?
Expect to spend approximately 25 minutes on this step.
It is time to practice scoring student responses on your own. Locate the check set materials in the exemplars you previously downloaded for your grade-level performance task. Each check set is noted with a “C,” followed by the number in the set, at the end of the student sample.
- Note: Resist the temptation to review scores in the answer key. We will complete this step once you have had a chance to score samples and reflect on or discuss your scores.
On your own, review the sample student responses in the check set and score the unscored student samples.
Independent work:
Prepare to spend a minimum of 20 minutes scoring student samples. Be sure to score all student samples.
Suggested time: 20 minutes
Once scoring is complete, check the scores in the answer key located in the exemplars you previously downloaded.
Reflection and Discussion Questions
Now that you have practiced scoring student samples, reflect on your own or discuss with colleagues the following:
- How do your scores compare with the master scores in the answer key?
Expect to spend approximately 10 minutes on this step.
Now that you have learned to score a performance task, reflect on your own or discuss with colleagues the following questions:
- What have you learned today that can strengthen your practice?
- How can you align what you learned with the interests and knowledge of your students?
- What resources can help you?
Additional Resources
- The CAASPP and ELPAC Interim Assessment Video Series consists of six modules covering the content and purpose of the interim assessments and how to use related systems and resources.
- The Interim Assessment Lookup Tool provides information about the total number of items on CAASPP and ELPAC interim assessments and the number of items that require local hand scoring.
- Smarter Balanced Practice Tests and Sample Questions provides educators with an opportunity to use the same testing software and review sample test questions to see what students will encounter during testing.
- Smarter Balanced Interim Assessment Item Portal provides individual test questions and answer keys for educators with access to interim assessments, helping to better understand content, types of questions, and how to use interim items with students to support learning.
- Understanding Proficiency Video Library provides professional learning videos with topics including scoring and analyzing student work.
- The CAASPP and ELPAC Interim Assessments web page provides links to several other resources.
Expect to spend approximately 5 minutes on this step.
Congratulations on completing the On-Demand Learning Module for Hand Scoring Mathematics Performance Tasks.
Please fill out this optional survey to help us improve future versions of this on-demand learning module.