Test Administration Trainings and Tutorials

This web page lists online trainings and certifications for administering the CAASPP and ELPAC. To view additional, optional training opportunities on a variety of topics, visit the Upcoming and On-Demand Trainings web page.

Link Description
Moodle Training Site Moodle securely hosts several trainings, modules, and resources for test administration.
Administration and Scoring Training Site The Administration and Scoring Training (AST) Site allows LEA Coordinators to access Enrollment Keys for Moodle, request Moodle reporting access, and download the Moodle User template.

Access Codes and Enrollment Keys

LEA coordinators are emailed an access code for the Administration Scoring and Training Site. Once on the site, enter your access code and select a program to acquire the Moodle enrollment keys for your LEA.

LEA coordinators can then distribute enrollment keys to any staff that need access to courses on the Moodle Training Site.

Additional Support

For questions about accessing and using Moodle, contact the Sacramento County Office of Education at moodlesupport@scoe.net. This mailbox is monitored Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Please allow 24 hours to receive a response to your inquiry and 48 hours to process Moodle template requests.

Training and Tutorial Information



To prepare for the CAASPP, test administrators and test examiners can complete the following tutorials. LEA CAASPP Coordinators do not need to complete certification but must ensure that educators have received the appropriate training to administer the CAASPP.

Assessment Required/Optional Moodle Course Name
Smarter Balanced for ELA and mathematics Optional (based on local training options) CAASPP Test Administrator Tutorial
CAST Optional (based on local training options) CAASPP Test Administrator Tutorial
CSA Optional (based on local training options) CAASPP Test Administrator Tutorial
CAAs for ELA, mathematics, and science


Deadline: prior to testing

CAA Test Examiner Tutorial

The CAASPP Test Administrator Tutorial is estimated to take approximately two hours to complete.

The CAASPP Test Administrator Tutorial is designed to prepare test administrators to administer the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments for English language arts/literacy (ELA) and mathematics, the California Science Test (CAST), and the California Spanish Assessment (CSA). This tutorial is optional and may be used in addition to the LEA's local training.

LEA CAASPP coordinators can access the Test Administration Tutorial course on the Moodle Training Site and track staff completion of the course. Moodle provides participants with an online Certificate of Completion after a participant answers the Checks for Understanding questions correctly.

The following resources are available for LEA CAASPP coordinators and site CAASPP coordinators:

The CAA Test Examiner Tutorial became is estimated to take approximately one and a half hours to complete.

There are three sections of the CAA Test Examiner Tutorial—General Requirements, CAA for Science, and CAAs for ELA and Mathematics.

Participants should log on to the Moodle Training Site and use their assigned enrollment key to access the tutorial. Participants must view the "What's New and Basics" video in the General Requirements section and answer all Check for Understanding questions correctly.

After successfully completing the General Requirements section of the tutorial, participants must complete all Check for Understanding questions correctly in the CAA for Science section to receive a CAA for Science Certificate of Completion or in the CAAs for ELA and Mathematics section to receive a CAAs for ELA and Mathematics Certificate of Completion.

All videos in the tutorial, except the "What's New and Basics" video, are recommended but not required for certification.

Training and Tutorial Information



To prepare for the ELPAC, or Alternate ELPAC, LEA ELPAC coordinators and test examiners must complete Administration and Scoring Training (AST) requirements.

  • ELPAC ASTs are required for all LEAs.
  • For Alternate ELPAC, ASTs are required for LEAs that have eligible students.

ELPAC Trainings

Assessment LEA Coordinators (Certification) Test Examiners (Calibration or Certification)
Initial ELPAC

For 2024–25, all coordinators must certify.

Deadline: August 2, 2024

Test examiners must complete calibration annually.

Deadline: prior to testing

Summative ELPAC

All coordinators must certify annually.

Deadline: December 6, 2024

Test examiners must complete calibration annually.

Deadline: prior to testing

Alternate ELPAC Trainings

Certification Courses Requirements
Initial Alternate ELPAC LEA Coordinators Certification

At LEAs with eligible students, coordinators must certify annually.

Deadline: August 2, 2024

Summative Alternate ELPAC LEA Coordinators Certification

At LEAs with eligible students, coordinators must certify annually.

Deadline: December 6, 2024

Test Examiners Certification

There is a single course that allows test examiners to administer both the Initial Alternate ELPAC and Summative Alternate ELPAC.

Valid: November through October of each year

Deadline: prior to any testing

LEAs who will not train their own test examiners can enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with a neighboring LEA that has agreed to train test examiners to administer the Initial ELPAC or Initial Alternate ELPAC or administer tests to eligible students if needed. LEAs should send an email to elpac@scoe.net to confirm the MOU with the neighboring LEA. The MOU should also confirm that the neighboring LEA has completed required training.

The 2024–25 Initial ELPAC AST became available on April 22, 2024, and is available in the Moodle Training Site (Moodle)

LEA Coordinators

LEA ELPAC Coordinators must complete an Initial ELPAC LEA Certification course in Moodle by August 2, 2024. Certification is estimated to take approximately two hours.

The LEA ELPAC coordinator, or their designee, is responsible for overseeing test examiners' training and calibration. The training of test examiners is determined by the LEA.

Test Examiners

Test examiners must calibrate annually in the Test Examiner Training and Calibration course in Moodle before administering tests.

Test examiners need to calibrate only for the grade level or grade spans and domains they are administering and scoring. A certificate of calibration is available upon successful completion. The test examiner should email this certificate to the LEA coordinator, or the LEA can track completion online in Moodle.

Test Examiner Training and Calibration Time
Estimated Training Time Estimated Calibration Time
Training time to be determined by the LEA. Training may take 6–8 hours.

Calibration Certification times vary by grade level or grade span, and number of domain certificates completed. Combined calibration may take longer.

Kindergarten, Grade 1, or Grade 2—Speaking and Writing (2–3 hours each)

Grade Span 3–5, 6–8, or 9–12—Speaking (1 hour each)

Grade Span 3–5, 6–8, or 9–12—Writing (1 hour each)

The 2024–25 Summative ELPAC AST will become available on October 14, 2024.

LEA Coordinators

LEA ELPAC Coordinators must complete a Summative ELPAC LEA Certification course in Moodle by December 6, 2024. Certification is estimated to take approximately two and a half hours.

The LEA ELPAC coordinator, or their designee, is responsible for overseeing test examiners' training and calibration. The training of test examiners is determined by the LEA.

Test Examiners

Test examiners must calibrate annually in the Test Examiner Training and Calibration course in Moodle before administering tests.

Test examiners need to calibrate only for the grade level or grade spans they are administering and scoring. A certificate of calibration is available upon successful completion. The test examiner should email this certificate to the LEA coordinator, or the LEA can track completion online in Moodle.

Test Examiner Training and Calibration Time
Estimated Training Time Estimated Calibration Time
Training time to be determined by the LEA. Training may take 6–8 hours

Calibration Certification times vary by grade level or grade span. Combined calibration may take longer.

Kindergarten, Grade 1, or Grade 2—Speaking (1–2 hours each)

Grade Span 3–5, 6–8, or 9–12—Speaking (1–2 hours each)

The 2024–25 Initial Alternate ELPAC AST became available on May 8, 2024, and is available in the Moodle Training Site .

LEA Coordinators

LEA ELPAC Coordinators must complete the following in order to complete the LEA certification for the Initial Alternate ELPAC.

  • Initial Alternate ELPAC—LEA Certification course, or verify previous certification, in Moodle by August 2, 2024.
  • Summative Alternate ELPAC—LEA Certification course (which should have been completed the previous fall).

Certification is only required for LEAs that have students eligible for the Initial Alternate ELPAC.

The LEA ELPAC coordinator, or their designee, is responsible for overseeing test examiners' certification.

Test Examiners

Test examiners must annually complete the latest version of the Alternate ELPAC—Test Examiner Certification course in Moodle. Certification is valid from November 1 to October 31 of each year. When the new course is released, test examiners must complete the new version of the course before administering either the Initial Alternate ELPAC or the Summative Alternate ELPAC.

Test examiners must request a certificate of completion in order to receive credit for completing the course. The test examiner should email this certificate to the LEA coordinator, or the LEA can track completion online in Moodle.

Estimated Training Time

Training times assume all optional videos are completed and the videos are watched at standard speed.

  • Initial Alternate ELPAC—LEA Certification: approximately 30 minutes
  • Summative Alternate ELPAC—LEA Certification: approximately 2.5 hours
  • Alternate ELPAC—Test Examiner Certification: 2 hours, 15 minutes

The 2024–25 Summative Alternate ELPAC AST will become available on November 1, 2024.

LEA Coordinators

LEA ELPAC Coordinators must complete the Summative Alternate ELPAC—LEA Certification course in Moodle by December 6, 2024.

Certification is only required for LEAs that have students eligible for the Summative Alternate ELPAC.

The LEA ELPAC coordinator, or their designee, is responsible for overseeing test examiners' certification.

Test Examiners

Test examiners must annually complete the Alternate ELPAC—Test Examiner Certification course in Moodle. Certification is valid from November 1 to October 31 of each year. When the new course is released, test examiners must retake complete the new version of the course to before administering either the Initial Alternate ELPAC or the Summative Alternate ELPAC.

Test examiners must request a certificate of completion in order to receive credit for completing the course. The test examiner should email this certificate to the LEA coordinator, or the LEA can track completion online in Moodle.

Estimated Training Time

Training time estimates assume all optional videos are completed and the videos are watched at standard speed.

  • Summative Alternate ELPAC—LEA Certification: approximately 2.5 hours
  • Alternate ELPAC—Test Examiner Certification: 2 hours, 15 minutes