ELPAC Communication: June 2024
Email Update, June 3, 2024
This communication includes information about Initial ELPAC, Summative ELPAC, Initial Alternate ELPAC, and Summative Alternate ELPAC.
Summative ELPAC: K–12 SSR Availability
Summative ELPAC K–12 Student Score Reports (SSRs) are now available in the TOMS.
ELPAC Domain Exemptions in CERS
An indicator has been added to the California Educator Reporting System (CERS) interface and export file to identify students who received a Summative ELPAC domain exemption or who did not test in a domain without any exemption.
2024–25 Initial ELPAC AST Is Available
The 2024–25 Initial ELPAC has been updated to include embedded field test items within the two forms requiring all LEAs to participate and complete the Administration and Scoring Training (AST). The training is delivered virtually through Moodle.
LEAs who do not certify for the 2024–25 Initial ELPAC AST by August 2, 2024, can be subject to a Tier 2 Audit investigation.
Refer to the Moodle Training Site User Guide on the Moodle home page for helpful information on how to access the training and navigate Moodle.
2024–25 Initial Alternate ELPAC AST Is Available
The 2024–25 Initial Alternate ELPAC AST is now open. This course is for LEA-level assessment staff only and functions as both a separate LEA certification course and as a supplement to the annual Summative Alternate ELPAC—LEA Certification course. Each LEA that has students eligible to take the Initial Alternate ELPAC is required to have at least one staff member complete both this course and the Summative Alternate ELPAC—LEA Certification course. LEAs should certify for the 2024–25 Initial Alternate ELPAC AST by August 2, 2024 or within 2 weeks of an eligible student enrolling.
June 14: Final Date to Return Summative ELPAC K–2 Writing Answer Books
The final date to have a scheduled pickup for returning Summative ELPAC kindergarten through grade two (K–2) Writing Answer Books to ETS for scoring is June 14, 2024. For a list of all pickup dates, please refer to the List of Key Dates table. To ensure that test materials arrive in time for scoring, all K–2 Answer Books must be picked up for return by June 14, 2024. Consider this date when planning to return test materials and allow enough time to account for shipping so that test materials arrive at ETS no later than June 21, 2024. Any Answer Books received by ETS after June 21, 2024, will not be processed.
July 3: 2024–25 TOMS User Rollover
This year, the rollover of the Test Operations Management System (TOMS) user roles for the 2024–25 school year will happen on July 3, 2024, for both CAASPP and ELPAC. The 2024–25 TOMS roles will be made available, and all roles from 2023–24 will be deactivated.
Although the TOMS user rollover will occur on July 3, 2024, the 2023–24 interim assessments will remain available until August 1, 2024, when the August system downtime begins. An email will be sent to LEA coordinators in late May to provide more detail about what to expect and how to prepare for the 2024–25 interim assessments rollover.
Initial ELPAC 2024–25: New Forms and Materials
The 2024–25 Initial ELPAC administration will consist of two new forms. This will support the development of items to refresh the operational test form for the 2025–26 Initial ELPAC administration. Form assignments are available on the Form Assignments for the 2024–25 Initial ELPAC Administration web page.
All LEAs must order new Initial ELPAC testing material for the 2024–25 test administration. The Initial ELPAC primary order window closed on May 10, 2024. Initial ELPAC testing material orders can be made during the supplemental test material order window, which began on May 13, 2024, and ends on June 3, 2024. Please securely destroy all previous-year Initial ELPAC testing material at the conclusion of the 2023–24 Initial ELPAC administration window.
Form assignments for the 2024–25 Initial ELPAC administration have been posted on the Form Assignments for the 2024–25 Initial ELPAC Administration web page.
Initial ELPAC 2024–25: RSVP and Form 2 Second Scoring
LEAs participating in the Rotating Score Validation Process (RSVP) and Form 2 Second Scoring can access the web page to find their assignment, administration details, and mandatory steps for returning K–2 Answer Books. For those participating in RSVP, a Comparison Report will be made available. Note that RSVP applies to a subset of schools assigned to Form 1, and second scoring applies to a subset of schools assigned to Form 2.
Reclassification Reminder
Students who scored at Summative ELPAC Overall Performance Level (PL) 4 and students who scored at Summative Alternate ELPAC Overall PL 3 for the 2022–23 ELPAC administration can no longer be evaluated for reclassification, as the 2023–24 test administration window has ended. Students who were not reclassified prior to the end of the 2023–24 test administration will now need to be evaluated using the 2023–24 summative results. Visit the CDE Reclassification web page for more information.
Reminder to Use the Test Item Preview Document in Moodle
The secure Test Item Preview (TIP) document for the Initial Alternate ELPAC is aimed to help test examiners prepare and individualize supplemental testing materials needed by an individual student. The TIP is located in the resources section at the bottom of both the LEA certification and test examiner certification courses on the Moodle Training Site (Moodle). This resource provides educators with item details to prepare augmentative and alternative communication devices, collect realia, or determine whether the use of alternate response options is required for the student to access the assessment. This secure document is a reflection of what is shown in the test delivery system without having to log on to the system.
Upcoming Trainings
To register or locate additional details about upcoming trainings, including dates, times, or content, visit the ELPAC Upcoming Training Opportunities web page.
June 5: Scoring and Reporting Webinar
ETS, on behalf of the CDE, will present the CAASPP and ELPAC Scoring and Reporting webinar. This webinar will include information about how and where to access CAASPP and ELPAC results, resources on how to use and learn from the data, information on assessment scoring, and next steps for communicating scores to educational partners. Register now for the 2023–24 Scoring and Reporting webinar.
June 11: Coffee Sessions
Virtual Coffee Sessions are hosted by the CDE and ETS and offer opportunities for LEA staff to ask questions and get answers about assessments, trainings, resources, and more. Coffee Sessions are entirely dedicated to answering questions about assessments and topics of interest from testing coordinators and providing timely updates. Register now for the June 2024 Coffee Session.
The next Coffee Session will be held July 9, 2024, from 2 to 3 p.m.
June 13: New Coordinator Training Webinar #1: Initial ELPAC and Preparation for Summative ELPAC
This webinar is the first of the New Coordinator Training series. This webinar will familiarize new coordinators with the Initial ELPAC and Summative ELPAC processes, explain the responsibilities of the LEA ELPAC coordinator role, and provide information on Moodle certification. This webinar will also end with a question and answer session with experienced coordinators. Register for one or more sessions in this series on the 2024–25 New Coordinator Training Webinar Series registration web page.
June 20: New Coordinator Training Webinar #2: Managing Users
This webinar is the second of the New Coordinator Training series. This webinar will provide information about identifying site coordinators, loading users into TOMS, determining testing windows, and setting local test schedules. This webinar will also end with a question and answer session with experienced coordinators. Register for one or more sessions in this series on the 2024–25 New Coordinator Training Webinar Series registration web page.
Register for 2024–25 Coffee Sessions
Register for the 2024–25 Coffee Session Series. Virtual monthly Coffee Sessions, hosted by the CDE and ETS, offer opportunities for LEA staff to ask questions and get answers about assessments, trainings, resources, and more. By registering once, you will be eligible to attend all upcoming sessions.
Educator Meeting Opportunities
We need your input! California educators are an essential part of the assessment development process. Teachers who work closely with our students provide an important perspective that informs and improves CAASPP and ELPAC. Meetings are held remotely, and this is an excellent opportunity for participating educators to provide vital input in test composition, accessibility, and implementation.
Details for upcoming meetings can be found on the Get Involved web page on the CAASPP and ELPAC website. Opportunities for the 2024–25 test administration year are now available.
To apply for educator meetings, go to the Educator Opportunities Portal. Those without an Educator Opportunities Portal account can create an account via the Educator Opportunities Portal Account Creation Form. For any questions, please contact the Educator Opportunities Team by phone at 916-228-2682 or by email at edopportunities@scoe.net.
Available Now!
Asynchronous Training
The following live training was recently posted and is now available on the ELPAC Asynchronous Training Opportunities web page:
- May 2024 Coffee Session
Understanding the Summative ELPAC and Summative Alternate ELPAC SSRs
Summative ELPAC and Summative Alternate ELPAC SSRs have been updated for this test administration. A new Understanding the Summative ELPAC SSR video and a new Understanding the Summative Alternate ELPAC SSR video are now available for parents/guardians. These videos can be used at English Language Advisory Committee meetings with parents/guardians at the site and LEA levels. We recommend your LEA include these links wherever your LEA is providing SSRs to parents/guardians. Spanish versions will also be available soon.
Web Page Update
The ELPAC Interim Assessment Administration Resources web page is now available and will be updated with more information and resources as they become available.
Ongoing Reminders
ELPAC Interim Assessments Available to Administer
Please note that the 2023–24 interim assessments will remain available until Friday, August 2, 2024, at 5.p.m. To ensure that student results from all completed 2023–24 interim assessments appear in CERS, all outstanding hand scoring must be completed in the Teacher Hand Scoring System (THSS) prior to the system downtime on August 2, 2024, at 5 p.m. During the system downtime that begins on August 2, student responses for the interim assessments will be cleared from the THSS and will no longer be available for hand scoring.
Information on ELPAC Interim Assessments is available on the ELPAC Interim Assessment Administration Resources web page.
Initial Alternate ELPAC Test Assignments in TOMS
Newly enrolled students, eligible to be assessed with an initial assessment, must be assessed within the first 30 calendar days of student enrollment; however, students may not have an individualized education program (IEP) designating the student to take an alternate assessment prepared in time. In these instances, the student should be assessed with the Initial ELPAC using universal tools and designated supports as appropriate.
The assignment of the Initial ELPAC does not require students to be assigned to the Summative ELPAC. If the IEP team determines later that the student is eligible to take alternate assessments and the student has been identified as an English learner, the student should be assigned the Summative Alternate ELPAC.
SSR Electronic Distribution
Ensure SSRs are populated in your student information system for the correct students in a timely manner, as outlined in the Options for Distributing SSRs chapter of the Scoring and Reporting Guide. In addition, ensure that SSRs are properly displayed in such a manner for parents/guardians to be able to access only scores for their own children.
Scoring Job Opportunities
ETS is accepting applications for scorers. This is an excellent opportunity for educators to become more familiar with the new generation of California assessments. Scoring schedules are flexible and can include four-, six-, and eight-hour weekday or weekend shifts. California educators interested in applying can access more information on the Online Scoring web page. Questions about the application or hiring process should be directed to etsrater@ets.org. Current scorers can reach out to ratercertify@ets.org for any scoring-related questions.
Previous ELPAC Monthly Communications
Previous ELPAC monthly communications, as well as other email communications, can be found on the ELPAC Coordinator Emails web page.
Additional Help
- Send direct questions about policies, regulations, and requirements to elpac@cde.ca.gov.
- Contact your region's assigned Success Agent for answers to questions about assessment coordination, development, and administration, as well as for technical support.
- Send direct questions about Moodle, certification, and calibration to moodlesupport@scoe.net.
- Get Answers using this lookup tool available to help LEA coordinators quickly find answers to the most common testing questions. Users can also make suggestions for Additional Questions for the FAQs, which are reviewed on a regular basis.
- Chat with Anita, your virtual assistant, for more LEA help, available on the CAASPP and ELPAC webpage. Unanswered questions will be routed to your assigned LEA Success Agent.