Summative ELPAC: K–12 Reports and Results Available
Email Update, May 21, 2024
Dear LEA ELPAC Coordinator:
Thank you for your hard work in completing the LEA's Summative ELPAC test administration!
On May 22, 2024, the Summative ELPAC test results for the following students will be released:
- Students in kindergarten through grade two (K–2) who have completed testing in all four domains and whose Writing Answer Books were returned to ETS by April 22, 2024
- Students in grades three through twelve who have completed testing in all four domains and who were ready to be reported by May 15, 2024
- Students in K–12 who have domain exemptions assigned and completed testing in all remaining domains
After the first release of results on May 22, 2024, the ongoing release of updated data files and K–12 Student Score Reports (SSRs) will occur every weekday.
Results will be released on the following dates:
- Test Operations Management System (TOMS) on May 22 (K–12 results in the Student Score Data File)
- California Educator Reporting System (CERS) on May 22 (Results for all grade levels)
- SSRs in TOMS and in the LEA student information system (SIS) vendor parent or student portal on May 23
- ETS must receive all completed K–2 Writing Answer Books to be scored. LEAs must ship materials to ETS on or before June 14, 2024, to access SSRs by August 2024.
- English learners who are currently enrolled in the 2023–24 Summative ELPAC and Summative Alternate ELPAC test administration window and are not going to test because of having met the reclassification criteria based on prior year scores should be reclassified as soon as possible. It takes at least 48 hours to process an updated English learner acquisition status (ELAS) change in CALPADS. Please note that CALPADS will update the ELAS in TOMS. Reclassifications based on prior year scores should be posted to CALPADS by 5 p.m. on May 31, 2024; otherwise, students should be tested by the end of window.
LEA ELPAC coordinators and site ELPAC coordinators will be able to use TOMS to find student results and other metrics, such as reporting percentages and score status.
- The MyTOMS at a Glance SSR Status widget shows the percentage and number of SSRs released for the LEA on the TOMS home page.
- The [Score Status] tab of a student's profile in TOMS now allows the user to access score status information for an individual student by domain and includes the following details:
- Score availability date
- Condition code(s)
- Recent Security and Test Administration Incident Reporting System Appeals
- The [Reporting] tab of a student's profile in TOMS allows the user to access reporting information for an individual student and includes the following details:
- Reporting language of the student's SSR
- Date the SSR was made available
- A link to download the PDF SSR in English or another language (when available)
- A link to view the HTML SSR in English or another language (when available)
Electronic SSRs
The 2023–24 SSRs will be available in TOMS and the LEA SIS vendor parent or student portal starting on May 23.
Users can access and download PDF SSRs individually or as one large file. Resources include the following:
- Downloading and Viewing SSRs in TOMS video
- How to Bulk Download Student Score Reports quick reference guide
ELPAC SSRs can be provided to parents/guardians electronically, in PDF or HTML format, through a locally provided parent or student portal or through another chosen method of local distribution. LEAs should also have a process in place for emails that bounce back to ensure that parents/guardians receive their child's SSR.
- Starting this year, parents/guardians can receive HTML SSRs through the parent portal for LEAs whose portal provider is set up to receive this file format. Please ask your portal provider to implement HTML SSRs if your LEA is interested in receiving this format.
Contact the LEA's portal provider for instructions on accessing electronic SSRs. For more information about electronic SSRs, refer to the Options for Distributing SSRs topic of the CAASPP and ELPAC Scoring and Reporting Guide .
SSRs can also be printed locally. LEAs planning to send printed SSRs to parents/guardians should ensure the mailing address is correct and up-to-date. LEAs should also have a process in place for mail that is returned to sender.
Student Score Data File
The student data file will be available in the [Reports] tab of TOMS. LEA users will be able to download the student data file in two report types:
- Enrolled LEA file: Data on students who were enrolled in the LEA as of the date the file was created
- Tested LEA file: Data on students who tested with the LEA during the 2023–24 school year as of the date the file was created
LEAs can use the Score Available Start Date and Score Available End Date filters to download a subset of the data based on the student's score availability date. To include all available students in the data file, leave February 1, 2024, as the Score Available Start Date.
ELPAC Student Score Data File Layout
The 2023–24 Summative ELPAC and Summative Alternate ELPAC Student Data File Layout is available in TOMS when users select Summative ELPAC and Summative Alternate ELPAC Student Score Data File from the Available Reports list. The student data file layout includes field descriptions, acceptable values for fields, and data sources.
Follow the steps outlined in the Summative ELPAC and Summative Alternate ELPAC Student Score Data File subtopic in the TOMS User Guide . Please note that the score data file for LEAs will be available in Excel format. For larger LEAs, the Excel file will be split into multiple tabs.
If your SIS does not currently have the Student Score Data File Layout, provide the file layout to your SIS vendor.
CERS houses individual student results and partial aggregated results at the group, school, and LEA levels. Prior to the release of all student results in the fall, the aggregated results available in CERS are partial and may present as higher or lower than the LEA's final official aggregated results. The partial results are not appropriate for public release but may be used for local planning purposes.
Accessing Information in CERS
LEA users can access CERS using a TOMS user account. Once in CERS, the user can search by student, school, or assigned groups from the "Access Assessment Results" section on the CERS landing page, depending on the user's role. The following actions are available in CERS:
- To download a file containing student results, an LEA user can select the [Custom Aggregate Report] button and customize a yearly, longitudinal, claim or domain, or composite score report for an LEA or school.
- To export a CSV file containing all the LEA or school assessment results that can be used for analysis in another application, an LEA user can also select the [District/School Exports] button.
For more information, refer to the CERS User Guide. Refer to the Creating Groups in CERS video for a demonstration of how to create groups to allow specific users access to assigned student results.
Direct any questions about ELPAC reporting for the 2023–24 test administration to the LEA's assigned Success Agent. Visit the California Outreach web page for other support options.