Resources for Students with Visual Impairments
Find resources on this page for students with visual impairments that may require assistive technology or other accommodations such as screen readers, paper–pencil tests, braille, and more.
User Guides
CAASPP and ELPAC Special Request for Paper Exams
Please visit the CAASPP and ELPAC Special Request for Paper Exams web form to request CAASPP and ELPAC braille, large-print, or paper–pencil assessments for students with an IEP or Section 504 plan.
Note that the braille hybrid adaptive test (HAT) for the Smarter Balanced for Mathematics and the optional, supplemental tactile graphics package for the California Science Test (CAST) can be requested by contacting the assigned LEA Success Agent. Either package can be ordered for a student to minimize the amount of embossing that must be done during either Smarter Balanced mathematics or CAST testing.
View the Entering Student Responses and Scores into the DEI (08:34) for a demonstration on how to enter responses for the paper–pencil CAASPP tests.
Instructions for Braille and Large-Print Paper–Pencil Tests
Instructions for Using CAASPP Large-Print and Braille Materials Printing Enlarged Science Reference ToolsELPAC
Instructions for Using the Initial ELPAC K–12 Paper–Pencil Braille Test Form Instructions for Using the Initial ELPAC K–12 Paper–Pencil Braille Test Form Instructions for Using the Initial ELPAC K–12 Paper–Pencil Large-Print Test Form Instructions for Using the Initial ELPAC K–2 Braille Writing Test Form Instructions for Using the Initial ELPAC K–2 Large-Print Writing Test Form Instructions for Using the Summative ELPAC K–2 Braille Writing Test Form Instructions for Using the Summative ELPAC K–2 Large-Print Writing Test FormConfiguring Testing Devices for Students with Visual Impairments
Braille Files
The following files are available as braille-ready format (BRF) files and printer output files (PRNs).